Cox's Bazar update
More than half a year has passed since the last blog. And good and bad things have happened.
Starting with the bad... Floodings, fire and land slides have badly affected the camp and its inhabitants. Food and non-food items were destroyed. Education materials burnt or badly damaged. The possibility of educating children temporarily set back.
In our daily lives we have suffered from the pandemic. Cox's Bazar adults and children suffer even from an extra dimension of disaster. They face the fragility of life, more often than they should. The children were born in a different place on Earth. Not by choice confronted with situations very much more challenging than those in many other parts of the world.
Fortunately, many people help. Out of compassion and "just" because this cannot and should not be. Helping to build up that what was destroyed. Give moments of comfort and offer shoulders of strength. I still remember the words of my late father when I asked what the people felt when facing the consequences of the 1953 flooding disaster in Zeeland, The Netherlands. He said: "we just began, with a bucket, a shovel and companionship".
That is what the engaged people in Cox's Bazar showed. Rebuilding:

... and continuing the work of education, protecting and caring. Going on with the Community Based Children Protection Groups. Visit adolescent boys and girls and learn about the need of their protection. Educate and show a brighter future. Train to train. Unleashing their own strength.
Myself, I learn from these incredible people. Never give up. There is always hope. You and your community's dedication, relentlessness and strength are without limit.